A Christian girl in her 20's figuring out her mission in this thing called life.

Mission Trip Ready


Hey everyone, so my mission trip is coming up pretty quickly now. I have three weeks until I leave for Guatemala. I’m super excited and some nervous, but I know Gods got me and will guide and protect me while I’m away. I still truly believe and trust God has had planned for me to go on this trip. That he set it all up because a few months ago I wasn’t even thinking about going on a mission trip and someone at a church I go to spoke about going on different trips and it just hit me hard, that I’m going to go in one too.

When I got home that night and the next two days I started searching for different trips and praying to God about what I’m supposed to do. Right when I prayed I heard go to Guatemala and stay for a month. You would not believe how shocked I was! I knew that was God because I never in a million years on my own would have said to myself to leave my family for a month on my own in a different country, but I know God has it all worked out.

So these past few weeks I have been preying more about this trip, such as safety and that I show the love of Jesus to the people that I meet along the way. I want the people to see Jesus in me when I talk with them, work with them, or even when we are just eating. I want them to look and see the love and compassion I have for them even though that are total strangers. You know thought we all need to be like Jesus everyday to everyone! Jesus loves everyone even when they are hard to love. We all should strive to me like Jesus everyday, that doesn’t mean we want mess up or be unkind to someone, but that we keep trying and ask for Gods help and forgiveness when we are struggling.

Always remember Jesus Loves You!!!

I am also trying to mentally prepare myself as well. People keep telling me that it will be such a culture shock and that it will probably be difficult to leave behind the people that I meet along the way. I totally understand, going to a different country that is way different then what I’m use to in The United States is going to be difficult. I’m curious to see how it effects me. Also, I do think it will be difficult to leave because will be there for six weeks working with the same local people and children everyday. Creating new relationships and being able to help so many different children I can imagine that it will be hard to leave.

In the coming weeks before I go will talk more about how how packing and different things I will be taking. Guatemala is the land of eternal spring so it will be warm. I am also going during the rainy season so I will have certain things to get. I will have to also dress modest which I already do, but there they are pretty concretive and I want to respect there culture.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a great week. Remember God is always there and to trust his plan, and to show the love like Jesus does to everyone!

This is in Antigua Guatemala where I will be for my mission trip