A Christian girl in her 20's figuring out her mission in this thing called life.

Welcome to A Girl On a Mission!

I never thought to start a blog about single Christian women until recently. God laid this on my heat and it started from there, but I am so excited you are here and can’t wait to share more with you!

This is a place where women can come to talk and learn about our mission as women of God. Everyone’s mission will be different and we may have more than one, but we can all learn from each other. God gives each person a special purpose in this world to up lift him and his kingdom. Thank you for joining and I can’t wait for you to read and learn more!

“Lord, bring your Word to mind so that your truth is what I dwell on. So that your truth is the light I hold out in this sin-darkened world”

  • Mission Trip Ready

    Join me on my journey to Guatemala as I embark on a six-week mission trip. I didn’t expect to be going on this trip, but God has a plan and I trust Him completely. I want to share the love of Jesus with…

    read more: Mission Trip Ready
  • What God Wants From US

    Share Pinterest Save Email Hello everyone, It has been awhile since my last post, I have been so busy I just haven’t felt like writing. Sometimes life can be hard and so busy that we need to take a minute and figure out…

    read more: What God Wants From US
  • Not Feeling Qualified

    Do you feel not qualified for something? Maybe you don’t feel qualified for the job you have, or someone asked you to do something you know nothing about, but you couldn’t say no. Trust me I understand what you are feeling. I also…

    read more: Not Feeling Qualified
  • Guatemala Trip Vol.2 Long Time Coming

    These last few weeks have been a lot!! I have gotten to know so many more great people and I have experienced so much. So, I have still been going to the school for disability children, and we have had some challenging days.…

    read more: Guatemala Trip Vol.2 Long Time Coming
  • Guatemala Mission Trip Vol.1

    My First Week in Guatemala I have been on my trip for almost a week, so far it has been a great experience. I will be here for five more weeks and am so excited to see what God has in store for…

    read more: Guatemala Mission Trip Vol.1
  • Preparing for a Mission Trip

    Have you ever wanted to go to a different place and help others and share Jesus with them? I have wanted to for a long time and it is finally working out for me to go. I will be traveling to Guatemala later…

    read more: Preparing for a Mission Trip

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A Girl on a Mission

Brooklyn Merriman

About Brooklyn